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Will there be a shipping confirmation once the order is placed ?

Yes, once your order is placed you will receive a confirmation via email along with your order ID number.

How do I track my product ?

We will send you an email confirmation containing your tracking information as soon as your order has shipped or here.
Please note that it can take up to 1-3 business days for the tracking information to be updated.

How much do you charge for Shipping ?

We offer FREE delivery for all orders.

How long will it take to receive my item ?

Orders are shipped 1-3 days after payment is received. Shipping can take 10 to 21 days depending on your location.

How can I contact you ?

You can contact us by emailing our support team directly at Support@veigla.com

Need to change something on my order, how can I do that ?

If you need to change or cancel your order, please contact us immediately. We process and ship orders quickly (we're fast!). Once the parcel was processed and sent to the post office, we will be unable to make any changes.

Will you be adding more products ?

We are focused on sourcing the best pet products for our customers, as a result, we are constantly researching and adding new quality products to our store. This is our main mission and goal so we strive for excellence in satisfying our customers with a great experience and a Diverse unique selection of products !

Why was my order canceled ?

Due to an unforeseen event, the item you ordered suddenly became out of stock and is no
longer available. We promise these cases are rare. However, if an item in your order does become unavailable, you will be contacted within 24 to 48 hours
about the cancellation.

If your order contains additional items, these items will still be shipped to you and the unavailable item will be removed from your order for refund.

How do I use a discount code « Coupon » ?

If you have a discount coupon, when you go to " Check out " page, you fin an option where you need to input the number. That's how you use it !

Is it safe to use my credit card on the website ?

Please don't worry : it is safe to order on our website. We use industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving customer data exchanged with our site server. None of your credit-card details will be revealed.

What payment method is accepted by VEIGLA ?

We accept MasterCard, VISA and American Express. You can connect your bank account to it or directly pay online with cards for purchasing our products.

We also support the direct use of MasterCard, VISA and American Express. You can pay the bill with your card number, name, expiration date and security code.